The CMSF Senior of the Week for March 13 is Brandon Hambleton. Brandon was born on May 16. His favorite color is red, his favorite food is chicken, and his favorite candy bar is a Snickers. Brandon's favorite quote is by Derek Jeter, "There may be people who have more talent than you, but there's no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do." His favorite teacher is Mr. Eisenhauer, his best friend is Aidan, and his favorite television show is The 100. Brandon's favorite Grade School memory was going out to the garden with Mrs. Bradley, his best Jr. High memory was when his class won both the basketball and baseball regional championships, and his favorite High School memory so far was winning the Baseball Regional. His special talent is playing baseball, his favorite actor is Kevin Hart, and his favorite sports star is Mike Trout. Brandon's words of wisdom for his classmates, "High School goes by too fast, so cherish the moments and the people around you."
Senior Spotlight for March 13, 2020
March 9, 2020