The administrative team from Carrier Mills-Stonefort CUSD #2 has been meeting and coordinating answers to many questions that our community will be faced with during the upcoming school closure. While we have worked to make this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet as comprehensive as possible, we welcome any additional or clarifying questions that you might have.
Question: When and why are schools closed?
Answer: Per a directive from Governor Pritzker, schools in Illinois will be closed starting on Tuesday, March 17th, through at least Monday, March 30th, with plans to reopen on Tuesday, March 31st.
Question: Is school in session this Monday, March 16th?
Answer: We will have no student attendance on Monday, March 16th. Instead, we will have a Teacher In-Service Day this Monday, March 16th, in order to coordinate breakfast and lunch pick-ups and E-Learning Plans.
Question: How can my child/young adult access meals during this closure?
Answer: We are making meals available for pick-up only. Breakfast will be served from 7:30-9:00 and Lunch will be served from 10:30-12:00. If you live in Carrier Mills, you can pick up your meals at the First United Methodist Church (109 East Washington Street) and if you live in Stonefort, you can pick up your meals at the Stonefort Missionary Baptist Church (300 Cedar Street). These meals will be delivered starting Tuesday, March 17th and will continue through Monday, March 30th (Monday-Friday only).
Question: How do we order breakfast and lunch for my student/young adult?
Answer: You may call either the Grade School Office (618-994-2413) or the High School Office (618-994-2392) from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Monday through Friday to place your breakfast and lunch order for the next day (i.e. call Tuesday for Wednesday, call Wednesday for Thursday, call Friday for Monday, etc.). When you call in, please tell us the student’s name, grade, the number of breakfasts/lunches you will be picking up, and which location (Carrier Mills or Stonefort) you will be going to. We ask that you call ahead, just so that we can get a better idea of how much food to prepare. If you forgot to call in, you may still arrive at one of the serving locations and get a breakfast and/or lunch.
Question: Who can get a meal during the school closure?
Answer: Any Pre-K through 12th Grade student enrolled in the CMSF Grade School or High School may get a breakfast and/or a lunch throughout the school closure. If you have younger children in your home that are not yet enrolled in school, they will be able to receive a breakfast or lunch as well.
Question: Will graduation dates change?
Answer: All graduation dates are set and will remain the same. This year’s Senior Class will graduate on Friday, May 8th and this year’ 8th Grade Class will have their Promotion Ceremony on Thursday, May 14th.
Question: How will the schools be working to continue education?
Answer: While student and community health and safety are the first priority, we are also working to do our best to ensure the continuance of education. This will vary from grade to grade. Teachers will work on E-Learning Packets this Monday, March 16th, which will be available online or for pick-up in the school offices this Tuesday, March 17th. Each student will be instructed as to what this will look like from their teachers at their respective schools. We would also encourage the use of the many educational resources that are accessible online.
Question: What will happen with school events, athletics, and extra-curriculars during the closure?
Answer: All school events and mandatory practices are canceled during this closure.
Question: What will happen with events, athletics, and extracurriculars scheduled on or after Tuesday, March 31st?
Answer: At this time, following the state mandated closure, all events, athletics, and extra-curriculars will continue as they are currently scheduled.
Question: What will happen with Spring Break that is currently scheduled for April 10th- 14th?
Answer: Spring break will still remain as scheduled along with other events, post school reopening on Tuesday, March 31st.
Question: Will the end of the year teacher in-service be rescheduled to a date during the mandated school closure?
Answer: Yes, the May 20th teacher in-service date has been moved to Monday, March 16th.
Question: What will the last day of school be?
Answer: All days missed due to COVID-19 shall be considered Act of God days and are not required to be made up. The last day of school will be Tuesday, May 19th (if we use no emergency days related to other issues).
Question: How do we get medicine that might be stored at school that we will need during the closure?
Answer: Please contact your respective school office on Tuesday, March 17 between 8:00 am - 2:00 pm to make arrangements.
Question: Will this affect my dual credit courses with Southeastern Illinois College?
Answer: No, the instructors will do their best to maintain a continuance of instruction for dual credit college courses online. Your young adult will need to monitor their email for updates from SIC.