Back to School

The Carrier Mills-Stonefort Grade School and High School are planning to start the 2020-2021 school year on August 10. Faculty, staff and administration will report to their school building on August 10 at 7:45 am for a Teacher In-Service Day. Faculty, staff, and administration will also report to their school building at 7:45 am on Tuesday, August 11 for an E-Learning Planning day.

The students first day of attendance will be Wednesday, August 12 at 7:45 am.

Parents, do not forget to fill out your school option form and return them to school by August 1. You may choose Option #1: To send your child/young adult to school for in-person learning with a mask and daily temperature checks or Option #2: To utilize E-Learning.

Please review the CMSF CUSD #2 Return-to-School plan in the documents section of the school website.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Keep Learning, Go Wildcats!