Attention all Parents/Guardians and Sports' Spectators: The Southern Illinois Jr. High School Athletic Association (SIJHSAA) has released the following guidelines for spectators at all home and away Jr. High baseball and softball games. Please adhere to the following guidelines:
*Spectator and group gatherings are subject to IDPH guidelines during this time.
*Outdoors, multiple groups of 50 are allowed if thirty feet of space is maintained
between groups, up to a maximum 20% of the capacity of the space. It is suggested
that schools should designate areas for fans to sit in to adhere to IDPH guidelines.
*Adhere to all CDC guidelines regarding hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.
*It is suggested that spectators be limited to immediate household members or
guardians of participants.
*Spectators are urged to bring their own lawn chairs to enable social distancing.
*Individuals should not congregate in common areas prior to or following the event.
*Schools must have information posted at entrances and around facilities explaining
the transmission as well as symptoms of COVID-19, encouraging all visitors to
maintain social distance, reminding people to stay home if they feel sick or have any
of the symptoms of COVID-19: temperature-above 100.4F/38.0C, fever, chills, cough,
muscle aches, headache, sore throat, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or loss
of taste or smell.
*It is suggested parents remain in cars for drop off and pick up of player’s after
*Coaches and or school administration are responsible for temperature checks of
players and coaches before practice and game. In addition the COVID-19
Athlete/Coach Monitoring Form should be filled out for practices and games and
kept on record. Anyone with symptoms or illness is not allowed to participate.
*Athletes must be at least 6 feet apart in dugout areas, or players seated 6-feet apart
in bleachers behind dugout.
*If an Illinois COVID Region or County is placed in Phase 3 or lower of the Governors
Restore Illinois Plan, all sports for schools in that Region or County will be
suspended or canceled.
*Concession stands are up to each school, but should be approved by their public
health department. If concession stands are permitted, pre-packaged items would
be the best option.
*Players must wear face coverings but they may be removed outdoors while actively
exercising or participating in practices or contests.
*Players, Coaches, and Spectators should wear face coverings over their nose and
mouth at all times except for when eating, drinking, or when outside and able to
maintain a safe social distance.
*It is recommended that programs require physician’s notes for individuals who
have a medical condition that prohibits the use of face covering. Face coverings
must fully cover the mouth and nose, and must fit snugly against the sides of the face
with no gaps. Reusable face coverings should be machine washed or washed by
hand and allowed to dry completely after each use.
Coaches and Players:
*Coaches are responsible for keeping records of attendance at games and practices.
*Coaches should be knowledgeable of their players with pre-existing conditions and
work with the school nurse or other health officials to take additional precautions as
*Use of dugouts is permitted if teams can socially distance. It is recommended that
there be an additional section marked off for players so they can observe 6 foot
social distancing.
*Players should bring their own hand sanitizer, water bottle and or sports drink. No
shared drinking fountains, water stations, or coolers may be used.
*Coaches are responsible for ensuring social distancing is maintained between
players as much as possible. This means additional spacing between players while
playing catch, changing drills so that players remain spaced out, and no
congregating of players while waiting to bat. Also, the practice of players putting
fingers in their mouth, spitting, and sunflower seeds must be banned.
*Coaches must sanitize shared equipment before and after each game.
*No pre-game or post-game hand shakes or fist bumps should take place.
*Coaches should wear masks at outside practices and games except when a safe
social distance is maintained.