Due to the high percentage of remote learners this 1st Quarter, the Carrier Mills-Stonefort Grade School and High School will have to make a few changes to the current schedule.
First, each Wednesday will be a full remote learning day with no student attendance. This change will begin on Wednesday, September 16 and continue through Friday, October 9 (which is the end of the 1st Quarter). We will reevaluate the Wednesday remote learning days at the end of the 1st Quarter.
Next, for those remote learning students that would like to return to in-person instruction, you may switch at the 1st Quarter mid-term, which is Friday, September 11. If you would like to switch from remote learning to in-person instruction, please contact Mr. Kerley for Grade School students at jkerley@cmsfcats.org or Mrs. Kuhlmann for High School students at mkuhlmann@cmsfcats.org. You may also call the school and notify Mr. Kerley or Mrs. Kuhlmann of your intent to change. This change must be made by September 11 and your child/young adult will begin in-person instruction on Monday, September 14.
Finally, starting with the 2nd Quarter, those students choosing remote learning will be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities.
The school schedule will remain as 7:45 am-1:45 pm for in-person instruction and 1:45 pm-3:15 pm as remote learning on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesdays will now be remote learning only with no student attendance.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we try to maneuver through this difficult and uncertain time. Please contact either school if you have any questions.