Parent/Teacher Conferences

At the High School, the 1st Quarter will end on Friday, October 9. Please encourage your young adult, as we have, to complete their 1st Quarter work to the best of their ability and turn it in before October 9. 

The High School teachers and administration would like to invite you to our Parent-Teacher Conferences beginning Tuesday, October 13 from 3:15-6:15. We will have a day of scheduled appointments on Wednesday, October 14 from 8:00-12:00. Also, we will have another evening of P-T Conferences on Wednesday, October 14 from 3:15-6:15.

In order to adhere to the latest IDPH Guidelines due to the coronavirus, we have several requirements for attending our Parent-Teacher Conferences:

1) You must wear a mask while you are in the building.

2) You must practice social distancing while inside the building (6 feet apart).

3) Hand sanitizer will be available for your use as you enter and exit the building.

4) You must enter through the gym doors.

In order to limit the number of people in our gym at one time, we will utilize the following schedule:

Tuesday, October 13- Freshmen from 3:15-4:45 and Juniors from 4:45-6:15.

Wednesday, October 14- Scheduled appointments from 8:00 am-12:00 pm.

Wednesday, October 14- Sophomores from 3:15-4:45 and Seniors from 4:45-6:15.

We hope to see everyone on October 13 and 14 for our Parent-Teacher Conferences. Please contact the school at (618) 994-2392 if you have any questions.

Go Wildcats!