The Carrier Mills-Stonefort High School Senior of the Week for October 19 is Ms. Lexxus Deaton. Lexxus was born on June 27. Her favorite Grade School memory was seeing all of the animals for the first time in her kindergarten room, her best Jr. High memory was wearing pajamas to school, and her favorite High School memory was bringing her pet hamster to school in her pocket and never getting caught. Lexxus wants to be remembered for being brave and bold, of not being afraid to do things that others thought were unimaginable. Her favorite book is The Fault in our Stars, her best friends are Zoe, Angelina, and Emma, and her favorite teacher is Mr. DeNeal. Her hidden talent is playing the ukulele and skateboarding. Her words of wisdom to leave behind, "Do everything you can while you are young. Go to that party, text that boy, do crazy things because you only live once and any day something good could happen."
Senior Spotlight for October 19, 2020
October 18, 2020