Now that the 2020-2021 school year has started, along with all of the Carrier Mills-Stonefort High School students completing their remote learning work from last year, it is time to officially add some closure to the 2019-2020 school year. During a normal year, the CMSF High School would hold their Spring Awards' Day in May. With last year's shutdown, that was not possible. However, the CMSF High School faculty, staff, and administration would like to take the time to recognize the students' accomplishments from last year.
To be considered for the National Honor Society, a student must be a Junior or Senior with a 4.5 GPA or higher. These students complete an application process, earn points from in school and extracurricular activities, and submit their completed application packet to a five member panel to be considered for this prestigious group. Mrs. Lane and Mr. Jerrell would like to recognize the following Juniors and Seniors that were inducted into the National Honor Society:
Old Members (2 Years)- Jordan Robertson, Kyle Bristow, Mason Gilliam, and Colton Betz.
New Members (1 Year)- Nia Sternberg, Jeremy Choat, Gabbie Roberts, Leia Bryant, Arista Benton, Devanie Stout, and Faith Vinson.
PICTURED (left to right): Jeremy Choat and Devanie Stout.